Fluorescent Tube Recycling Livingston
While some companies will offer fundamental recycling or ‘lamp disposal’, Livingston Waste Management provides a sophisticated yet cost-effective Mercury Recycling Service — using an inhouse distillation procedure – that offers true ‘closed loop recycling’. Recycling fluorescent tubes and lamps via this Service could be the most economic, ethical and environmentally safe alternative available.
In England and Wales, The Environment Agency has classified fluorescent tubes as hazardous waste. The Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA) has classified fluorescent tubes as Special Waste. This is because the mercury from only one fluorescent tube is enough to pollute 30,000 litres of water beyond the UK’s safe drinking amount.
Commonly, fluorescent tubes contain 94% glass, 4% ferrous and non-ferrous metals, and 2% phosphor powder. The mercury in the tube is contained in this phosphor powder. Livingston Waste Management is one of the few companies in the UK that distils and recovers the mercury from this phosphor powder.
Ideally, fluorescent tubes ought to be recycled or, if this isn’t possible, taken to specific landfill sites which can cater for mercury bearing wastes.
Apart from the environmentally-friendly aspect to recycling fluorescent tubes and lamps, it is also vital to do so for your health and safety and the health and safety of your workers. For example, somebody who tries to dispose of a fluorescent tube in a dumpster not only is condemning the whole dumpster’s contents to be hazardous waste — which has costly consequences for its safe disposal – but is also subjected to the possible risks of broken glass and also the inhalation of small quantities of the toxic materials that are released as dust and vapour.
Livingston Waste Management’s Mercury Recycling procedure involves separating each fluorescent tube’s and discharge lamp’s individual components – and recovering them for recycling or re use in a number of businesses. Moreover, using its Superior Distiller, Livingston Waste Management can purify the mercury into various levels — for reuse in various businesses. Now, Livingston Waste Management sends its regained mercury to two of the united kingdom ‘s major lamp manufacturers where it is used in making new lamps – thereby closing the loop.